Monday, April 28, 2008

False Start

One of the first lessons we learned about doing Cross Cultural missions is to be “flexible”. You never know when plans may change or go a different direction. Well, we were tested before we even began our orientation! On Saturday as we were preparing to leave on Sunday for our 8 weeks in Richmond, Virginia, we received a call that orientation would be delayed two weeks. Participants at the International Learning Center contacted a bad virus last week and they are going to have to close the facility to totally disinfect and sanitize everything! So the schedule will be pushed back two weeks and now we will be leaving around May 11.

Since we have sold all of our furniture and moved out all of our belongings, we will not be staying at our house. Some wonderful friends, Dennis and Julia McClendon, have offered us their downstairs apartment. Even though this has caused a little confusion, we see many blessings in the delay. We can’t wait to see how God is going to make all things work for His good through these events. His timing is always perfect!

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