Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Just for Giggles and Grins

After a limited survey (my four children), the consensus is to share this on the BLOG.

If you’ve been keeping up with the BLOG, you may have seen the post where the ladies went on a retreat a few weeks ago. While the ladies did their thing, Neal and I rode around the country side. We came up on the "Taidy's Restaurant" in Eldama Ravine. I picked up this brochure. It would appear that someone pulled out the English dictionary and went to the "make me sound smart by using big words" section. Hope you find this as humorous as I did.

This is Africa (You’ll have to add your own Ryan Seacrest voice).

The hotel featured a Mother Theresa wing, a Kofi Annan wing, a Nelson Mandela wing, and (drum roll here) a Barack Obama wing. With the many Barack Obama things seen here in Kenya, you’d think he is the president here.