Saturday, January 10, 2009

Celebrating New Year at Amboseli National Park

To celebrate the New Year, we took a camping trip with some friends to Amboseli National Park in Southern Kenya. We woke each morning to see the sunrise at Mt. Kiliminjaro. It was beautiful. We would go out each day on game drives to see what animals we could see. We thought you might enjoy seeing some of God’s awesome creatures in their natural habitat.

This is Mt. Kiliminjaro.

One creature we saw plenty of was the elephant. We even woke up one morning to find an elephant in our camp ground.
This is the big bull who decided to visit us in the campground.
This strange looking creature is a Wildebeest. One day we saw three cheetahs surround this herd of wildebeest. They made a short run for them, but then stopped abruptly and laid down.

This is a spotted hyena. We were surrprised at the size of these animals. It's difficult to tell because there is nothing in the photo to give it perspective but, they are much larger than a large dog.

Another plentiful animal was the Zebra. We were able to observe them, walking, running, lying down and even one rolling over on it’s back!


Guess what this one is.

Fish Eagle
We came across these cute little creatures and had to look them up in our animal book. We discovered they are Bat eared foxes. A car drove up just as we were looking at them and asked what we saw. We decided to have some fun so, in his best British accent, Jeff told them “It's a Bat Eared Fox, just there, behind the bush”. To our surprise, in her genuine British accent she replied, “Oh reaaalllly!” By her response, you would have thought that she had been waiting her entire life to see a Bat Eared Fox. We laughed about this for days.

These beauties are called Grey Crowned Cranes. God gave them beautiful colors.

These are Superb Starling. The were all around our campsite.

Two different days we saw lions in this same area. On this day there were two lions on each side of the road. We stopped to take photos and video. While we were there, two lions crossed the road to the side where the others were resting. All of the sudden the two who had crossed the road attacked the two on the other side, one at a time. The dust and paws were flying and the roars were awesome. This was a rare treat for any group on a game drive. We were in awe.


Cape Buffalo. These animals can be incredibly hostile. One attacked another missionary’s car in Nakuru National Park a couple of months ago. It didn’t work out well for the buffalo.

Wart Hog with babies

Water Buck

Grant's Gazelle

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