This past weekend we took another evangelistic trip to Chavakali. Chavakali is a very small town located about 6 hours from Nairobi in western Kenya almost to the Uganda border. Driving there we passed through Kisumu, which is the town where Obama's grandmother still lives, but we missed seeing her. We arrived Friday night, checked into our motel, had dinner and headed to bed.
Saturday morning we went straight to the Chavakali Baptist Church and met with the pastor and some of the church members. We divided up into teams and headed out into the town to visit in homes.

We had many great visits. In one home, we met four sisters who were living with their widowed mother. They were explaining to us how difficult life was for them with no men in the house. We shared Bible stories with them from creation to Christ and all four sisters prayed to receive Christ.

In some homes the family members were already saved but they would always want us to stay and pray for them and their needs. Here is a young lady who was caring for her elderly grandmother.

Jeff was fascinated by this grinding machine. People would bring their maize here for the owner to grind into meal. Their main staple good is called ugahli and it is made with ground meal and water. They eat this everyday and it is very filling.

All of the children loved to follow us around because they rarely see a "mzungu" which is a white person.

After lunch we gathered back at the church for a time of reporting. Among all the teams there were a total of 37 people who prayed to receive Christ through the home visits. Praise the Lord!
The afternoon was spent in Bible teaching. Pastor Mike led the local pastors and church leaders. Dee taught the women how to sew an apron and a handbag hoping they might could make some in the future and sell them. Jeff and Jan worked with the children. We had over 80 children gather in a field under a tree where we taught them the story of Noah and the ark.

After the story, we gave each of them a picture of Noah and the ark to color. Apparently they do not have the opportunity to color very often and they loved it. We were limited on our crayons and it was such a joy to watch how they all shared the crayons with each other.

When the story and craft were finished we resorted to play time! We brought a jump rope and 4 bright colored Frisbees. The girls did the jump rope while the boys chased the Frisbees everywhere.

We gathered them back together again at the end of the afternoon and Jeff led them in singing some songs and then he told them a few more Bible stories.

But the day was not over. As the evening approached, we set up a large screen in the field and prepared to show the Jesus Film. We began showing the film around 7pm with around 50-60 people there. But by the end of the film hundreds had gathered to watch. When the film was over 77 people came forward to pray to receive Christ. Please be in prayer for these new believers as the church prepares to follow up with them.

Sunday morning the church was packed to overflowing. Jan and Dee had SS for the children, while Jeff led the youth, and Danstone shared with the adults. Then Pastor Mike preached during the morning worship service. As usual there was plenty of singing and the children did a wonderful dance routine for us.

After church we hit the road to head back home. It was a rough trip and we saw many tractor trailers that had crashed along the side of the road. This is a Petrol truck that had overturned.

But there was also beautiful scenery as we went up and down over the mountains. We traveled through many lovely tea plantations along the way. We also saw some of the tallest corn we have ever seen!

All in all it was another wonderful weekend in the Lord. Please continue to pray for the people of Kenya.